All About CBD

Is CBD Vegan? A Vegan’s Guide to CBD Products

At KY’s Best Hemp, we understand that your dietary restrictions may require additional research when looking to purchase a CBD product. That’s why we put together a vegan’s guide to CBD products to make things easier for you. CBD itself is vegan, but there are some product variants that may not be and you should keep an eye out for them. This guide will cover CBD oils, CBD topicals, CBD edibles, and whether or not these products are vegan-friendly.

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Why Kentucky Hemp is the Best

Centuries ago, Kentucky hemp was a standard of quality in the United States. In the 2020s and beyond, Kentucky is once again producing the best hemp in America and is ranked in the top 5 states for production! The two key factors of Kentucky’s revived hemp status are 1.) the hardworking people and 2.) what we will focus on primarily in this article, our growing conditions. The being a culmination of our weather, humidity, and the unique soil composition. Together, these factors make Kentucky an agricultural leader and produce the best hemp possible!

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CBD-Infused Drinks and CBD Cocktail Recipes

Our love for CBD and tasty beverages are not mutually exclusive, so why not combine the two? Many people and businesses around the country are following this trend, where they are creating their own CBD-infused drinks and cocktails. Whether it’s bars and restaurants offering hemp or CBD cocktails or yoga studios offering CBD smoothies, this trend has been growing in popularity. You can do this yourself at home as well! Before we discuss a few of our favorite CBD-infused drinks and CBD cocktail recipes, let’s consider why folks are doing this.

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Can You Bring CBD Oil On A Plane?

Under normal conditions about 200k Americans fly each day. And knowing how popular CBD is, that equates to thousands of CBD users who might consider flying with it. Due to newer legal status and minimal regulation, this topic may be of genuine concern to our CBD-using air travelers. So, can you bring CBD oil on a plane? And what about other CBD or hemp products? First, let’s look at the federal government’s current position on hemp and then later at TSA regulations.

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How Hemp is Helping to Save the Bees!

We know that honey bees play an essential role in our world’s ecosystem. We also know due to pesticides, loss of habitat, and a variety of environmental factors, they are becoming endangered at an alarming rate. The good news is, with the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill and the recent demand for CBD and hemp products, bees are getting some help from the hemp community. Learn more about how hemp is doing its part to help save the bees and why bees are so important.

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