All About CBD

What You Need to Know About CBD With THC

Many people are becoming increasingly aware of the relationship between THC and CBD. These two cannabis-based compounds are present in the hemp, which means two exist together when hemp is extracted to make CBD products. The rest of what you should know about THC and CBD includes the existence of THC-free CBD products, the effectiveness of THC in CBD products, and the potential of drug screenings when taking CBD.

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How Long Does CBD Oil Last Once Open?

The shelf life of CBD can depend on a variety of factors: initial quality, final packaging, and storage. If you’ve found a long-abandoned CBD oil bottle, the oil may have lost some of its original potency. Immediately after harvesting, hemp begins to degrade, but there are several ways to protect your CBD oil shelf life once opened.

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How Long Does it Take to Feel Effects of CBD Oil?

When it comes to taking CBD, the time between first taking and feeling the effects of CBD may be a matter of minutes, to a matter of weeks or months. That length of time mostly depends on the individual and their body’s unique response to the compound. Other factors include the method you choose to take CBD, the bioavailability of that preferred method, and the size of your dosage. There are also a few things you should know about monitoring your body’s response, and what you should do if you don’t feel the effects.

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What Are Terpenes?

Terpene is one of those words you often hear in the CBD and cannabis industry. But a lot of people don’t dig into what terpenes are. To make things easy, if you’ve ever smelled an essential oil, then you’ve come across a terpene! From cloves to pine to citrus, terpenes are the natural oils that give hemp and cannabis (and other fruits and plants) their distinct smell, color, and flavor. Your CBD experience is greatly influenced by the terpenes that are present in the product.

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4 Major CBD Product Types

If you are a newer CBD user, the sheer number of CBD product types and their terminology may be a lot to take in. To clear up any confusion, we would like to discuss what the major product types are and how to use them. These major product types are CBD oils, CBD capsules, CBD edibles, and CBD topicals.

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