All About CBD

What is Pure CBD?

The term pure CBD can mean different things to different people. One may use it to describe a product in which CBD is the only cannabinoid. Others may describe it as THC-free CBD. And others may refer to pure CBD as clean, well-produced CBD products. Well, none of these definitions are necessarily wrong! So what is pure CBD? We will let you know what it means to us and the rationale behind these other definitions.

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What Is Cannabidiol?

What is cannabinol? You may have heard the word associated with hemp or CBD products before. In short, it is what most people know as CBD. Cannabinol is a natural compound that comes from the cannabis plant and is one of over 113 known cannabinoids that produce a range of effects. So what makes cannabinol different from these other cannabinoids? We will look at its uses, how it works with your body, and where it can be purchased.

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Why Is CBD So Popular?

It’s no surprise that CBD products are popular and it seems like they are everywhere. So, what does CBD do and who uses it? In this article, we will discuss why CBD products are so popular and what people use them for. We’ll even take a look at some celebrities who have recently endorsed CBD products and hear what they have to say!

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10 Innovative or Weird CBD and Hemp Products

Moving into the 2020’s, there are more hemp products in development or on the market than any one person could keep up with. Some of them are innovative, and some are weird, but we appreciate these characteristics as long as hemp entrepreneurs are being honest. And while we think some items on our list may be more useful than others, we would like for you to decide for yourself! Here is Kentucky’s Best Hemp’s list of 10 innovative or weird CBD and hemp products.

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Best Way To Take CBD: Inhaling, Ingesting or Topically

With the many options of CBD products available, there are a variety of ways you may choose to get your CBD serving. The three popular methods would be inhaling, ingesting, or applying your CBD topically. There are pros and cons in each, so determining which would be best for you should be based on a variety of factors. So what is the best way to take CBD? Is it inhaling, ingesting, or topically? The answer will ultimately depend on YOU.

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