Home Blog All About CBD How To Find A Reputable CBD Company

How To Find A Reputable CBD Company

When you’re new to Hemp and CBD, finding a reputable company can seem like a monumental task! Every business is different, although, there are several common key factors that can truly tell if one is trustworthy or not:

The soil is tested

The hemp plant, in particular, is known for its abilities to absorb and remove toxic materials from the soil. While this is great for the environment, it can be problematic for the farmers trying to raise hemp for consumption. This is why it is important that CBD companies know who their farmers are and ensure they test the soil in their plots.

Their hemp is locally grown and manufactured

Related to the paragraph above; companies whose Hemp is produced locally can oversee the entire process – from seed to CBD – to ensure the quality of their products. Meanwhile products made with hemp grown overseas can be under-qualified, tainted, or otherwise problematic; because they are not subject to any state or federal testing.

They Have COA results from a third party laboratory

COAs; also known as a Certificate Of Analysis, are important for ensuring the quality and potency of a product. Companies that use a third party laboratory also tend to be more trustworthy as they cannot fabricate their results.

The company's employees are knowledgeable about their products

These days just about anyone and everyone can get into selling CBD products. Be sure the company you buy from truly knows what they’re talking about! 

Here are a list of terms every reputable CBD company will be able to readily explain: 

  • CO2 Extraction,
  • CBD (Cannabidol)
  • COA (Certificate Of Analysis)
  • Aerial Parts
  • Entourage Effect

They Don't make wild claims

The use of CBD is still newly legal to the market (in the U.S.), and thus does not have the proven scientific studies to back up the outlandish medical claims often heard by consumers.

As stated in an article by The Texas Tribune: “Despite lofty and wide-ranging claims, CBD is only FDA-approved to treat two rare kinds of epilepsy via prescription drug Epidiolex. In part, this is because little research has been done in the U.S. on the hemp derivative.”

This is where there is a gray area. Let’s explain: A company can say their products can or may help someone with a certain health problem; however they CANNOT claim to cure or treat any disease. Those that do should be avoided as that is illegal.

Overall, it is up to the consumer to be cautious to ensure they purchase their CBD & Hemp products from a trustworthy brand. It is also important to talk to your doctor BEFORE starting a CBD regimen; especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications, or have other health conditions.


  1. Lisa L. Gill; Consumer Reports; https://www.consumerreports.org/cbd/how-to-shop-for-cbd/
  2. https://www.healthline.com/health/best-cbd-oil#how-to-choose
  3. Naomi Andu; The Texas Tribune; https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/texas/cbd-products-are-everywhere-in-texas-since-the-state-legalized-hemp-experts-warn-buyer-beware/287-1cdf43dc-ad1f-4b70-9d27-be43838fcde8

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