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How Much CBD Should I Take? 3 Tips to Finding Your Correct CBD Serving Size

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How Much CBD Should I Take?
3 Tips to Finding Your Correct CBD Serving Size

A common question we get at Kentucky’s Best Hemp is how much CBD oil should I take? With so many products that vary in strength, it’s normal to wonder what is the recommended CBD serving size. The answer that we typically give our customers is, well… it depends. And here are some of the variables to consider:

1. Learn about the CBD effects on your endocannabinoid system

Each human being has their endocannabinoid rhythm, and finding what flows with your rhythm comes with a trial and error period. Figuring out your correct dose involves you monitoring your body carefully to make the most of the beneficial compounds in CBD. 

2. Know what benefits CBD benefits you are seeking

A second variable at play is what are your reasons for taking CBD? Is it for general health? Chronic pain relief? General anxiety? Each of these reasons requires a varying dose range, and scientists are still trying to figure this out. The best advice that we can give you is to start low and go slow. 

3. Monitor how your system adapts to ongoing CBD usage

Unlike prescription drugs, it is essential to note that CBD is not a one size fits all product. Due to the way CBD is absorbed and metabolized throughout our bodies, it is much like hitting a moving target, because the needs of our endocannabinoid system fluctuates over time. The use of CBD is much more a customizable approach to healing and may require changes to your long-term CBD intake.

Other Considerations to make when starting a CBD regimen

As we stress in all of our blogs, first and foremost, always consult with your doctor before starting a CBD regimen. It is extraordinarily vital to do so if you have a pre-existing medical condition or are taking OTC or prescription medications. Please refer to our blog about possible drug interactions with CBD. 

While CBD is such a safe, all-natural, and non-psychoactive product, we do stress the importance of educating yourself, along with personal testing to find what works best for you. For more information on finding the correct CBD serving size, check out our other blog “3 tips for CBD dosing”. Ready to make your purchase? Check out our online CBD store where you can find the best CBD products to meet your unique needs!


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