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All About CBD and Anxiety

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CBD claims to alleviate everything from insomnia, pain and even anxiety. Sounds too good to be true, right? Can CBD oil help with anxiety?

  • Hemp is a distant cousin to marijuana without THC (the psychoactive ingredient that creates a high)
  • Researchers are finding the benefits are likely to be related to CBD, not the THC
  • CBD activates the serotonin system, which helps decrease feelings of anxiety
  • Serotonin is a brain chemical that creates a sense of happiness and well being

What is anxiety?

A pounding heart, sweaty palms, and feelings of overwhelming dread define anxiety. Consequently, for those living with these symptoms, everyday life can be debilitating. In addition, anxiety can be severe for some, taking a physical & mental toll on their body.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, an estimated 31% of U.S. adults experience anxiety disorders at some point in their lives.

What does the research say about CBD and Anxiety?

The good news is that several studies have found that CBD could be a positive treatment for those suffering from anxiety.

  • A 2011 study found that people who had a social anxiety disorder experienced a reduction in symptoms
  • In 2019 a study found that about 80% of people’s anxiety and sleep improved
  • A 2017 study found no evidence that CBD improved anxiety. And in some people, their anxiety actually increased.

How does CBD work?

CBD activates the serotonin system throughout the body. Similar to pharmaceutical drugs, CBD has been found to block the reabsorption of serotonin. Therefore, there is an increased amount of serotonin available for use in the body. As a result, anxiety symptoms are reduced.

Which Kentucky’s Best Hemp products are best for treating anxiety?

Kentucky’s Best Hemp CBD oils are the quickest and easiest route. Placing the oil under the tongue allows the CBD to quickly enter the bloodstream. The oils come with a dropper that allows you to accurately measure your dosage.


Kentucky’s Best Hemp Natural CBD Oil

Should I try CBD?

CBD has quickly come into their healthcare scene as a miracle cure-all elixir. The research and studies are limited, however, results are promising. In other words, more research needs to be done to know whether CBD is effective.

In conclusion, always talk with your healthcare provider before starting a CBD regimen.


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